Systematic Zoology

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Ph.D. Thesis

Histological and ontological development of the digestive system of Octopus vulgaris (Cuvier, 1797).

This study will provide the first histological description of the digestive system of Octopus vulgaris, not only in adults but also in their juvenile stages and paralarva. Thus, the first study of the ontogenetic development of the digestive system taken in Octopus vulgaris, which should provide an overview of the processes of digestion and absorption of this species will.

Despite the existence of numerous studies of this species, little is known about the histology, development and physiology of the digestive system of the same. While this is a key to understanding the processes of digestion and absorption occurring in the cephalopod point as well as their physiology and growth rates. Such studies have focused on other commercially important cephalopods such as Sepia officinalis, and some squid Illex argentinus but not octopi.